Lockwoods Folly Inlet Dredging Delayed
The hopper dredge has been delayed from its project in Lockwoods Folly Inlet. This is the Hydrosurvey dated April 29th 2020:

And this is the updated Hydrosurvey posted June 9th 2020:

The work completed by the Sidecast Dredge can be seen in the comparison between the two Hydrosurveys. What is important to note is the dangerous passage through the Inlet:

The current channel marker configuration as well as the presumed channel has been highlighted in white. The presumed channel traverses several areas that remain seriously shallow. It is important to understand that these shallows are often areas where breakers are present. Until the Hopper Dredge work is completed and the channel markers relocated, Lockwoods Folly Inlet is extremely dangerous and should not be attempted by anyone but an experienced boat handler with the proper vessel and familiarity with the local waters and conditions.